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Question: Collectors Book 50% completion - Tales of Vesperia - Log In to GameFAQs
The Collector's Book is a Key Item acquired after the first events in Aspio during the story, rather early in the game.
It's a collection of information for all the 1, Items of the game, and you need to complete it to get one achievement and one Title for Estelle. In the game there are many missable items, due to their own nature.
A good start to avoid missing items is to:. Then there are many items which result in being missable because they are related to timed quests; for those, the only thing you can do is follow a guide.
If you need to find information specifically for the synthesis materials which occur many times while speaking of other items , search for the name of the component preceded by "- " for instance, "- Ilyccia Weed". In this page there might be minor references to the plot, but even the key items' names are usually barely connected to the plot. Still, just to be sure, you've been warned. For the items you have to synthesize, be aware that there is a "synthesis ability", a hidden value, which increases as you synthesize more and more items.
Some of the items require a high level of this "hidden ability", so some items may not show up in the Synthesis list at first, but they will do later, after more synthesis. If your "synthesis ability" is high enough, you need to own the synthesis materials to make the items which you want to synthesize appear in the list of the shop.
Sometimes it can help to exit the shop menu and entering it again to make the items appear in the list. If you read "Available for sale in Nam Cobanda Chips trade " it means that I'm referring to a "shop" where you can purchase items with the local "Chips" value instead of "Gald".
Don't forget to use this checklist while you're working on this. To use the checklist, select the "File" menu of the page, then "Download as" here is the option I'm talking about, if you're not very familiar with these things and choose the format you prefer. Then simply put a cross in the "Done?
Shop List I will omit the most common items Consumables and Food and focus on what you need to know. The lists are referred to the end of the game situation post-game is the same , unless specified differently. Accessories: Gold Leggings, Cape. Head armor: Green Beret, Shapka, Ribbon. Head armor: Armet Helm, Bronze Circlet. Accessories: Talisman. Heliord - Before Ghasfarost.
Accessories: Fine Boots, Magic Mist. Heliord - End of the game. Head armor: Pointed Hat, Tartan Ribbon. Dahngrest - Before Manor of the Wicked. Head armors: Holy Circlet. Accessories: Thief's Cape. Dahngrest - End of the game. Accessories: Rare Boots, Thief's Cape. Nordopolica - Before Zaude. Nordopolica - End of the game.
Accessories: Flare Cape, Aqua Cape. Yormgen first visit, or if Labyrinth of Memories is open. Note: if you don't complete the quest to built Aurnion, the only two accessories for sale will be Paladin Cape and Black Onyx Weapons, Head armor, Body armor will be the same. Only consumables and every Food. These items are all very common items which you can find in shops and chests at least once.
None of them are missable. I will omit the location of those which are basically available in any shop of the game. I - Red Sage Found in: Mt.
I - Red Lavender Found in: Mt. I - Hourglass Found in: Yormgen and Zopheir. I - Barrier Available for sale in later shops of the game Dahngrest, Nordopolica and more. These are the most troublesome of all. One of the weapons the Endless Heart must be bought in Heliord within the end of Part I; you will go to Heliord for story-related reasons before then, but make sure you get this one. Very few of these items will not be put in the "ID order"; it's not to confuse you, but to give you the order in which you want to synthesize those items.
I will re-write the anticipated items in their correct position anyway for instance, you will find the "Karolian Hammer" twice. Swords Yuri, Estelle and Karol. It's also Yuri's default weapon. Skills attached: none. Skills attached: Speed Charge, Safety. Skills attached: Backstep. Skills attached: Critical Guard, Defend. Available for sale in Capua Torim. Found in: Caer Brocam. Skills attached: Strength, Swords Up. Skills attached: Strength 2, Swords Up, Taunt 2. Skills attached: Aerial Combo.
Available for sale in Capua Nor. Skills attached: Backstep, Evade. Skills attached: Item Thrower, Spirits. Available for sale in Dahngrest. Skills attached: Strength, Defend, Anti Break.
Skills attached: Taunt, Taunt 2, Lucky End. Synthesis materials: Naevimetal, Sharp Blade 1, G. Skills attached: Combo Plus, Combination. Skills attached: Void Attack. Skills attached: Rise Attack, Magic.
It can also be obtained by completing the Secret Mission 11 Boss Fight Skills attached: Dispersion, Great Deluge. Skills attached: Combo Plus, Combo Force. Skills attached: Ability Plus. Skills attached: Item Thrower, Bug Busters.
Skills attached: Link Slash, Fatal Finish. Skills attached: Happiness, Happiness 2, Happiness 3. Available for sale in Dahngrest and Nordopolica. Skills attached: Spirits 2, Magic 2, Resist 2. Skills attached: Spirits 3, Magic 3, Resist 3. It can also be dropped by the enemy "Knight Fencer A". Skills attached: Alembic, Gale, Evade 2. I - Aries Yuri Found in: Mt. Skills attached: Super Chain 5.
A copy of this item is also obtained during the story. Skills attached: Guardian. Skills attached: Guardian, Super Guard, Defend 4. Skills attached: Guardian, Super Resist, Resist 4.
Skills attached: Hit Plus, O. Available for sale in Mantaic. Skills attached: FS Bonus, Defend 2. I - Shiden Yuri Found in: Zaude. Skills attached: Super Chain. Skills attached: O. Boost, Defend 4, Defend Conversion. Boost, Resist 4, Resist Conversion. Skills attached: Crucible, Athenor. I - Caladbolg Yuri Found in: Tarqaron. Skills attached: High Ability Plus.
Skills attached: Resurrect, HP Recover.
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